Fresh Bites Winter Edition 2023


Your feedback is informing new resources, advocacy priorities, and future work to support school meals.

aa t hai gnhye rt i mr eei mobf uyres ae rm, eenv et nf o irf spcrhoogorlasm. Yso ua rcea na l raepapdl yy u st n a d r e te r d w . ay. We can help you learn more and get Barrier: Directors need support to connect families with nutrition resources outside of school. Strategies: •infoArsmattriounsteadboumt eSssNeAnPg,eWrs,IC sacnhdooPls-EBcTantoshhaerlpe eanccseusrsetosthuedaelnthtsy afonodd.their families have consistent •a n dC o nEndeuccta tfiaomn i lPi erso gwraimt h (tNh eO ENPu) .t r iTt ihoins fOrue et reaanc dh cS oNnAf Pi d. Ye onut i ac al np rf oi ngdr aymo uhr el lopcsa el Nl i gOi bE lPe cf oa omridl ii ensa teonrr o l l i n here. •i nUf osremt haitsi oSnNwA Pi t hO uf at rmeial ci ehsfionr ySocuhro odliss tTroi cotl.k i t t o s h a r e •i n fUosremtaht ieo nWwI Ci t hHfealmp iNl i eYs Ri ne syoouurrcdei sCt er inctte. r t o s h a re • Visit the OTDA P-EBT webpage to stay up-to-date on benefit issuance and resources for families. Need more support? Reach out to our team of experts! • Krista Hesdorfer | Hunger Solutions New York • Francesca DiGiorgio | Hunger Solutions New York • Liz Lucas | No Kid Hungry - New York

Barrier: Staffing capacity and supply chain disruptions continue to challenge school meal operations. Strategies: •t o Sheeclupr em eyeotu rm eSaulp pp al yt t eCrhna irne q Au isrsei ms t ae nn ct se aFmu inddsst o•ngLoeivnegrdagiserupthtieosnes. strategies to communicate wdiistrhupytoiuornssachffoeoctlincgomscmhouonlitmy eaablso.ut supply chain •s hLoerat rang ea bcohua tl l setnr ga et es g: i Ce hs ef oc kr wo uo rt ktihnigs trhersoouugrhc el a abnodr w• aStucphptohri st rsetcaof fr dwe de l lwneebs si n: aIrn f rtohmi s Mr easroc uh r2c 0e ,2 2l e. a r n aa bmoount g syt or autre gsiteasf f , oann dh oswo m teo wparyosmtoot es hwo we l l ns teasfsf ampapinretcaiiantigoono,ddmetoarilasleo.n staff retention and how to Barrier: Students are hungry after school; snacks are not enough. Strategies: •l e aPrrnoivnigd:eWtiht hr eme amn ye aslcsh oa odl sa syt atrot i nf ugeol raef txeprasnc dh oi nogl ae ff tf oe rr st sc ht ho ios l spcrhoogor la yme sa ra, si t p’ sa ar t gor fe aa tc at idme me ti oc rc eocnosvi de re yr sr ee cr ev ii vneg raef it me rbs uc hr soeoml emn te a –l s . c Eu lrirgei nb tl el y s $c 4h .o0o3l /s mceaanl oCrare$1F.o1o8d/sPnraocgkra–mt(hCrAouCgFhP).thWehCilhe imldanayndscAhodoullst aC lAr eCaFdPy p rs oe vr vi dee sa fat ne ros pc hpooor tl u snni tayc kt os stehrrvoeu gc oh mNpSl eLtPe, meals, providing greater nutrition for students and

THhuins gfrayl l ,NHe uwn gYeorr kS oclount idouncst eNde wa sYuo rr vke ay nodf Ns oc hKo iodl na bu ot rui tt i tohne idr i roepcet or ar tsi oanc sr oasns dt hr ee s sotuartcee t no eleeda sr nf omr ot hr ee 2d 0i r2e 2c t- o2r0s2 3w hs oc h coooml py el eatre. dT ht ha en ks uyrovue yt, oa nt hde omt haenr ys wfahl l oc os hnaferreedn ci ne .s iYgohut sr wfeietdhbua cskdiusr iinngfo trhmei nNgYnS Ne wA rseuspopuorrctessc, haodovlomcaecaylsp. riorities, and future work to Os cvheoroa ll l ,mt ehael sf i insdsi ni ggnsi fsi chaonwt leyd i mt hpa at ctthi ne gl ot hs se os fc hf roeoel cwoi mt hmo nu ng oi tiyn gt hs iuspspcl hy oc oh la iyne da ri .s rAusp dt iior ne cs taonr ds ec loenvtaet ne dd gdreoccr ee rays i npgr, i cuensp, api da rstci chiopoalt imo ne a il nd esbc th oi so rl i smi nega, l sa nids ftehwe esrchcohoillddraeyn. are eating nutritious meals during Tc ohnec ef or lnl os wwi ne ’gr er ehseoaurri nc egs f raodmd r edsi rs e sc ot omr se aocf r tohses tt oh pe state: Barrier: Decreasing school meal participation – especially in school breakfast and middle and high schools. Strategies: •a l tIemr npartoi vvee ma cecael ssse rtvoi c es c mh ooodl e lbsr es aoktfha satt: sEt uxdpel onrtes

are able to access meals conveniently and efficiently d•uBroinlsgtethr escshchooool lmdeaayl. participation in middle and hyoi guhr ps crho og roal sm: ttho igs ari ne ssotuurdceen ts hbaurye-si nw. ay s t o a d a p t •n oL ecaorsnt at bo o aultl ospt ut idoenns t st o: tphrios v irdees osuc rhcoeo lc omme pa lasr east fPurnodviinsigoonp2t,ionnosn-toprcirceinagte).hunger-free schools (CEP, Barrier: Low return rate for school meal applications after two school years of families not submitting this information. Strategies: •s u bI mmpi trtoi nv eg cf roeme maunndi c artei do un cs e dw- ipt rhi c fea ma ipl ipel si c aatbi oo nu st wwiitthh stphaisnitsohotlkraitn,swlahtiiocnhsh. as been newly updated Barrier: The return of unpaid school meal debt. Many school nutrition directors reported higher levels of unpaid school meal debt compared to previous years. Strategies: •r e dLue ca irnng asbc ho ou ot l bme seta l pdr ea bc tti caensd f bo er s tp rpervaecnt itci ne sg f oo rr engaging households about school meal debt.







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