Fresh Bites Winter Edition 2023

COMMITTEES Public Policy & Legislation

Farm to Schl



Qualifies for New York State Farm to School

Npp rreoowdd uu Ycc oet srd ki ns tSbat otaett hwe bi di rsee . ar ki cIf nha sc tl wuadi nt i hdn gl pu trnhocedhsuemc tfesrael tsshhda, ut l ro ai cnragel the school day will benefit not only the students bS cuht oaol sl obNreeawk fYaos tr,kl uS tnacthe,’ ss ue cmomn oemr ym. e a l s , a n d a f te r - ss ct rhuogogll imn gewa l si t hheacvoenoofmfeirceudn cae rl itfaeilni nt ye. fo r fa m i l i e s 1 in 7 kids in New York experience hunger, disproportionately impacting Black and Latinx children. These programs, proven to fuel student success and combat child hunger and obesity, will be critical to our state’s recovery. School Nutrition Professionals mobilized idmmoaomnr yes dsci thaa at t elell wey ni dgwee hsbe atnhc ke t yhi newMeparaer nc dsh ueobmf j 2ei cc0 t 2ec 0dl o. Dst oeed, s sp usi tccehh tohaoesl soa tcpacefefr sassthi tnoogr t ac og se ts s, , s tuhpe py l yc ocnh tai ni nu ei sds ut oe s e an ns ud r ien cs rt ue ad se endt healthy school meals at no charge for aee xxl l tpesi tnr ues ddi oe nnJ ut sno . fe Tf 3eh0di s,e rw2a 0la 2sw2ma. i av deTeros p, sobus ups tipbolt erht ot hst ehr oe wu gha hei vatel htr hes and achievement of New York’s students and to ensure the financial sustainability of school meal pS cr ho go roal mNsu, t rt hi tei o n3 , 5A0s 0s o+c ima tei omnb(eNr sY SoNf At h) ec aNl l eown YNoerwk York’s elected officials to: Expand the 30% New York State Incentive Program to include all Meals. • Expand student access to healthy local fiYnooocrrdkesap asr eot dmsucochreeor som. l e faol os dd upr ui nr gc ht ahsee ss c hf roooml d aNye wa n d • This will also reduce the administrative bp uu rr dc he ans e rs eflraotme do t thoe r smeepaalrpa tui rncgh a lsuens .c h

• Improved ability to purchase New York pscrhoodoulcmedeafolsod while increasing participating in Beginning in school year 2023-2024, provide healthy school meals at no charge for all students in New York State – regardless of income. • Provide all students equal access to school bomrr ee aabl ksaf raa rsr i tee rapsnr do fvol eur nn cts oht u sadune pdnpt soe . lr i tmNl ei unatarr tni et i i noagun, syi mss ptci rhg oomvoael at•ot toevnedraanl lche ,e ac llat hs sarnodo mw ebl lenheasvsi.o r a n d c o n t r i b u t e Ensure that no child goes hungry during the so• cnhboootl hd af aymo irl iaecsc rauneds sucnhpoaoilddmi set railcdt ebbutd, ag ebtusr. d e n 726,000+ additional students statewide will have access to healthy school meals at no cost.

Support Local Farmers Reimbursement (NYS 30% Initiative) Easy for Staff

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Made with Welch’s 100% Juice Trusted Brand Name • Shelf Stable • info@ • 800-510-8890







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