Fresh Bites Winter Edition 2023


Students Warm Up This Winter with Hot Chocolate Milk BY GREG SZKLANY AMERICAN DAIRY ASSOCIATION NORTH EAST Tweamr mp eur ap t sucrhe os oalr ec adf er ot eprpi ai ns gwaist ht hae swe ai ns ot enra sl ef aa vs oo nr i taep tphraota icshseus r, es ot oi t b’ sr ti inmg et ht oe heat. Hot Chocolate Milk is popular among both students and food service ds cehpoaor lt mmeenatls pf oa rr t ii ct si pfartei sohn . t aTkhee osne car ectl atsos iict sbseuvcecrea sgse itsh at ht aatl sHooht eCl ph so cbool ao tset Milk includes one of the most requested items in schools – chocolate milk! Wn oht cehn tiomgpi vl eemi teanmt i no gr ear He toati lCf eheolcboyl apt reoMv iidl ki npgrao gc ur asmt o,ms ci zhaobol les ecxapne kr iiec nk ciet wu pi t ah a full-fledged topping bar where students can add in flavors like cinnamon, cocoa powder and vanilla powder and more Rt heecier n Ht l yo, tt hCeh Ko ec on lma toer eM- i Tl ko wp nr oogfr Ta omn adwuar ni ndga SNcaht oi oonl aDl i sSt cr hi cot oi ln LBuunf fcahl o ,WNe. Ye.k, r ei n- l aOu cntcohbeedr. According to Food Service Director Kim Roll, it was a hit. “ROoul lr. “sIttu dweans t ss ul oc vh e ad ht hueg eH os ut cCcheos cs oal antde eMa isl yk wt oe csoeorrvdeidn awt ei t ht hoeu pr rbormu no ct iho nl u nt hcaht mweea lw, ” i sl la bi de offering hot chocolate milk at many future events this winter.”


Td ihsep eKnesnemr so trhe r –o uTgohwang or af nTto fnr aowma An md ae rS iccha onoDl aDi irsyt rAi cs ts owc ai as t iaown aNr do er tdh t Ewaos tHl ao st t Cyheoa cr oal na tde pMl ai nl ks twoi nr ot et ar t we itthhe mH oat rCo hu oncdo tl ha tee dMi sitl rki.c It ns oa dadl li tsicohno tool st ha ne dd isst pu edne snet rs sg, eAtma ecrhi caannc eDtaoi rwy aAr sms oucpi atthi oi sn North East also provides schools with toolkits that include posters, banners, cup stickers, instructions and recommended best practices.

“We are very thankful to American Dairy Association North East for giving us this opportunity,” said Roll. Af omr enrei ac ralny Dt harier ey yAesasrosc it aot ii omnp lNe omr et hn t EHa os tt Ch ha so cboel ae tne wMoi lrkk ipnrgo gwr ai tmh ss cahc rooosl ss tr he ve esat laetde . aT h1e0 r ep seur cl tesnht aivnec rbeeaesne oi vne rs wc hhoeol ml mi n eg al yl pp oa sr it ti icvi ep ,a at iso an pwi l ho et ns t uHdoyt Chocolate Milk was offered. WM ihl ki l ei st hael sion car eg ar es ea ti no pmt ieoanl pf oa rr t si ct ui pdaetni ot ns . iNs og tr eoant l fyo rd os cehs oi ot lds e, Hl i voet rC oh no ctoalsattee,

Connecting it all together There are many pieces to your nutrition program and they likely look a little puzzling these days. In the new school year, it's time to bring all the pieces together. We're here to help.

Visit us at NYSNA Booth #112 Oct. 21, 2022

NSLW News Clip

WINTER 2023 the chocolate milk base provides all of the same great nutritional benefits as white milk, including calcium, protein and potassium, that all help students power through their day. aIfssyiosut’yreouin! terested in starting a Hot Chocolate Milk program of your own, our Youth Programs Specialists would love to For more information about Hot Chocolate Milk, or any of our programs, please contact us at s or visit FreshBites 45





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