Fresh Bites Winter Edition 2023


Southern Tier Area Feature

3rd Grade Nutrition Education: Get Superpowers From Vitamins



MC oyr nnealml eU ni si v Ne ri sc iot lye. IIo raim, a ncdo mI palme t i na gD ime tye t iCco Imnmt e ur nn i tayt Nd eul ti rv iet ri oe nd rao tna ut itor ni t iaot nB reodoumc aetTi oi on g lae Bs sOoCnE Sf o, ca un sdeIdr eocne nt thl ye importance of vitamins and eating a balanced diet. Tn ee awc heixnpge rai e nncuet rfiot iro nm el ,e sasnodn I two a nt ht ei rdd t hger aldees rs so nwtaos b ae educational yet exciting. I titled my presentation “Get Sa tutpe enrt pi oonw. Be rusi l fdr ionmg oVf if t oa fmt ihnes s, ” uhpoepr pi nogwteor dt hr aewm es ,t uI db ee ng at sn’ tshuep eprrpeos we netrast iaorne abny daws khi on ga rset ut hdeeinr tf sa vwohr iat te tshuepi er rfha ev roor ei tse. Students raised their hands, excited to share. Throughout the lesson, I included several activities and opportunities for participation. I spent the first portion of tt hh ee pf oroe ds es nwt aet ieoant icnotnr ot adi un cai nvga trhi eet yf o oufnvdiat at imo ni na sl , cdo inf fceerpetns t: foods have different vitamins, and there are five main taycpt ievsi toyf wf oiot hd sf,oaocdc ot rr addi ni ng gt oc aMr dy Ps .l aEtaec. hN esxt ut ,dIeinntc lruedc ee di v ae nd five cards, containing one food card from each food ga wr oauyp .t hI e i nc faorrdms etdh etyh ed i sdt undoetn ltisk et hwa ti t ht h tehye icro up lede rtsr afdo er

ao nf ot thheei rr. rSetaul d- lei fnet sf’o ot rda dc ihnogi c ei ss saonmd epwr he faet r epnrceedsi. c tFi vo er ei txaawmapyl ef ,oirf aa ncohti hl de rd iodnne o; ti f l iak cehai lfdo oddi dc lai rkde, at hfeoyo dt r ca adredd, tt hh ee yy kreepatdi to. Ou tn cteh et hi re cs at ur dd se,n tasncdo ma sp lae t celda st hs ,e iwr et r audseesd, MyPlate to determine if the student’s cards met all five food groups. If the student was missing cards from any of the food groups, they identified which and named a food from the missing category. The lesson continued to introduce the students to Vf oi ot adms oi nusr cAe, s B. T, hCe, abne dn eDf i, t sa so fwt he el l vai st atmh ei ni rs bweenree f ri tesl aat ne dd ba raec kk nt oo wt hne tt oh ehme el po tf hseu peeyreps o, wb rearisn, , aismt mh eusneev istyasmt ei mn s, mt h ue ssct lueds e, na tnsdt rbi eodn ae ss nt oa c bk eocfof mr e es hs ftrruo int sg ea rn. dAvf teegrewt aabr ldess, to increase their exposure to and reinforce the benefits of fruits and vegetables. Omveesrsaalgl ,e mt hya thtohpeef of oo dr wt hei se al et ,s seov ne n waat sa tyoo ui nn gs t ialgl et, hies ismt updoernt tasn’ t f ot oo do uerx phoe saul trhe. aUns di n gt o t hmeoltei vs sa ot en st tou di necnrtesa st oe tmryenauviaterimetsyinofthfoeofdustuwreil.l encourage them to try new | | (844) 662-3767 ext. 117


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