Fresh Bites Summer Edition 2022

President Elect’s Message

President’s Message



SUMMER 2022 - Donna- Donna Riviello DS aovnannan Ra hi vSi eclhl oo ohlaDs ibs et reinc ta. sSchheohoal sFbo eoednSae rNvYi cSeNDAi rme ec tmo br ef or rf ot hr ea lpl aosf th1e1r +1 1y e+a yr se.aSrhs ea ni sdcsuhr er el on ot lkysefmo rpwl oayreddtaosstehrev iFnogotdh Si seor vr gi caenDi ziar teicotno ra so fptrhees iCdleyndte! NYSNA President FreshBites 6 Hello Friends! The past several months have been such a whirlwind of activity, inta’ st ihoanradl teoveknntosw, awn dh eI rheatvoe bl eeagri nn .e dI hs oavme uhcahd itnhtehtei mp reoocfems sy. l i fe re p re s e n t i n g N Y S NA , a t s t a t e a n d AC ot nt hf eer teinmcee , ohf et lhde i lna sDtCi sf sr uo emoMf Fa rr ec shh6B- 8i t. e Ts , hIi swha as spar lewp aayr si nbgeteon aot tneenodf tmh ey nf aavt oi orni tael aLcetgi vi si tl ai et si vwe iAt hc ti ino n ov iut ra lAtsos oo cuira pt iroong br aomt hs oann da tsht aet en eatnwdoNr kaitni ogntai ml l ee vwe il t. hTohuer t po epei cr s“ aasckr so”s sa rteh ea lswt aatyes/scoo ui mn tproy rat al wn at yasn d impresses me. It is truly amazing what our collective voices can accomplish. Although our endeavors this year were unsuccessful, we continue to rally and raise noise surrounding the importance of Healthy School Meals for All. We will continue to fight for this important task until we are successful at ensuring equity for all students in our programs and across the state and country. ITnh Ai spcroi lnIf ewr ae sn caeb li es at ol wt raayvsejlatmo Wp aecsktePdaal mn dBuena lci hk ,e Fml oorsi dt ac of on rf eSrNe nAc’ se sa ns np uo an ls oNraetdi obnya loLuer aldo ec rasl ,hsi tpa Ct eo annf edr enna ct ieo. n a l ah soswo coi ua tri os tna, tteh ai ss sooncei aatci touna sl ltya cf okcs uuspe sa go ani nh sotwo tt ho esrusc. cIe cs as fnu tl el yl l ryuonuynoouwr ,sat af tteer atshsroecei aytei oa rnss .t rIaav me l i ansgkaecdr, of sr es qt hu ee n t l y, country and experiencing what other states do, we are an impressive force to be reckoned with. I often find myself sitting there thinking that we are advanced. It is evident that our headquarters staff has positioned us to bi net eornees toi fn tghaenl de ai dn es pr si riinn gA sl esaodc ei artsiho inp Mc oanncaegpetms , ehnot w. Tt ho i hs acvoen fdei rf fei nc uc el t uc sounavlel yr sf aotci uo sness, aonndf ihdouwc i at or yt rraens spiot inosni bt iol i et iaecsh, successive level of leadership within the association. As my Presidential year draws to an end, I find myself reflecting on how positive of a journey this has been; how much I have enjoyed it and how much useful information I have learned along the way that I can now bring back to my district and my local chapters. One of the speakers at this particular conference was Jon Colby. For those of you who dc oomn ’ mt kunnoi cwa thoi rms ., J Io cnoCnos li bd ye ri smay cs oe ml f et od ibaen aa nv edr iyn os pp ierna -t mi o innadl esdp epaekr es or nw. hI ot he inngka gI ea sc chei ps ta cuhdai el lne cnegse si na hn odwd et oa l bvee rbye twt eerl l with change. But in one session with Mr. Colby, my eyes were opened to how I can also be a negative influencer wthiitshsoeustseiovne.n realizing I am doing it. I enjoyed his speaking technique and had so many positive take aways from Owvi lel rbteh ter ac vo eulri sneg ot of tdhief f learsetnttwpoa rmt so no ft ht hs eo fs tt ahtee sacnhdo ov li syi et ianrg, I lnoocraml cahl cayp wt e irtsh aosuwr ea na nt tueaml pi nt pt oe rgseot nb ca hc ka pt ot e sr ommeee st ionrgt so. f Torhgealnoiczaaltimonem. berships are so important to the whole For many of us, this is where our NYSNA journey begins…someone local reaches out and puts us in touch with a director, former employee, etc. who can help us on our journey. I am so excited to be getting back out there to see our local cy ho au pwt ehrast aonudr wa sesl oc oc ima tei oanl l coaf no du or nf oerwy mo ue mi n byeorus radnids tnr iecwt s dai nr edc ftoorr sy. o Iu rh oppr oe gt roa mm es e…t amn da nmy anyebwe jmu se tmi nb sepr si r ae nodn se hoof w you to take a leadership journey through our association. I promise you, you will not be disappointed. Io fh tohpee syuomu ma lel re mn j oo ny tshosm. eI cma nu ’ct hwdaei st et or vseede tyi mo ue aol fl f i an npde ar sr oe na bs ol eo tno. Pc os sntn…e . c. t( awt i ot hu rf aamn ni l uy aal ncdo nf rf ieernednsc eo vi ne rOtcht eo bc oe ru rast e Turning Stone). Keep your eyes open for conference registration. Conference 2022 will be epic …you don’t want to miss out! SNA’s Legislative Action Conference SNA’s Annual National Leadership Conference Chapter Meetings “ ” I can tell you now, after three years traveling across the country and experiencing what other states do, we are an impressive force to be reckoned with .

Hello Summer! The end of the school year always provides an opportunity for reflection and celebration. When looking back on the challenges faced and overcome during the past year, I’d like to add “miracle workers” to all of our job titles! The creative and outside the box thinking that occurred across the state to overcome staffing shortages and supply chain insos tuhei sn, gwshhiol er taot ft hh ee rsoaimc . eWt ei ms eh opur lodv iadl li nbge hviegrhy qpur ao lui tdy ,onf uhtor wi t i of aurs wa en dh aovf teecno tmi me easn ldo chaolwf oroeds iwl i ea ns t we have been. Next year looks to be another year of uncertainty, but I am confident that we will navigate through it with the support of each other. Wy oiut ht ot ht ee l el ny do uorf st thoer yU. STDa Ak ewoaui vt eyrosupr ostoeanpt bi aol xl y aitn esvi eg rhyt , oi pt pi somr t ou rnei tiym. Ap to wr t oa nr kt , t wh ai tnh eyvoeur rf of ar me ai lcyh, wo if t h ye vo eurrynwehi gehr eb oyrosu, as th yo ouul dr bc he ut racl kh i, nagt lai bt tol eu tl et ah ge uwe agyasmuensi ,vaetr st ha le f gr er oe cme reya lsst ohraev, el i ht eerl aplel yd akni dy sw, ha en rde wa nh yd i t iksnsoowi ma bpoour tt aanntdt ou nc do ne rt isnt aune dt hheo ww ai imv eprosr tt ha nr ot ut hg he saet wl eaai svte nr se xhta svcehboeoel ny ea anrd. Dwoi l nl oc ot na tsisnuume et ot hbaet apse wo pel e



SUMMER 2022 emnat ke er aa ndoi tf fheerre ny ec ea .r Yoof ui nncerveears ek dn oc wo s wt s haant dc os un pn pe lcyt i cohnasi na ss tt rr au ng gg el ers i. nA tl shoe , gdroo cneort ya ss tsourme emtahya th ay vo eu rt os taonr yi mwpoonr’ tt a n t elected official or media outlet. Keep talking. Keep advocating. Keep pushing. This issue is to important to just sit back and wait on. Are you motivated to tell your story now? GREAT! Here are a few things to remember as you speak to people. Don’t assume everyone is a familiar with the waivers and the fact that they were temporary. Many parents do not know that the benefit of free meals will go away, and even more administrators and teachers will not understand the way the waivers helped our programs procure food and feed our students in some of the most difficult situations imaginable. Remind people that helping families helps the economy now and for future generations. Providing healthy mb eetat el sr ai nt nt hoeccolsatsssproroovmi daensddwi rielcl tc os anvtirni bgus tteo mt hoerefatmo islyo cbi eutdygaest ba nu taad uhleta. l t hy we l l - n o u r i s h e d c h i l d d o e s Don’t forget equity! Universal meals provide an opportunity to set a level playing field for students. Wp r ho ev ni d setsi gmmoarse af ur en dr ei nmgofvoerdt hf reo pmr oogurra mm eaanl dp rt oh ge rr ae mf o sr emmo or er es taubdi lei tnyt st op aprrtoi vc ii pd ae t fer. eMs ho, rleo cpaalr, tni cui tprai tt ii oo un s f o o d t o ap lrl ocghrial dmr eenx .pFarneds sh ea rc, cheisgshteor hqeuaal ltiht yy ff oo oo dd et on cs ot uudr ae gn et ss tmh oa tr emf aa ymni loi et sh taov ep aa rctci ec si ps at toe t. hMoos reef op oa dr tsi cai tp ha ot imo ne .i n t h e Make it relatable. Most people will realize that they are paying more at the pump and in the grocery sEtxoprlea. i Mn owsht aht atvhei sp lrooobkasb ll iyk ee vwe nh enno tt ri cyei nd gt ht oa tf et he de i hr uf anvdorrei dt es po rrotdhuocutssaanrdes oof tf ekni dosu. tAos fk stthoecmk i wn ht ha et tsht oe yr ew. o u l d dporoicfuthreemy econut lwdaoivnelyrsghoetlopeodneussttohrreoourghustehoosneesbtrraungdgloesr.even one variety of a product. Meal pattern and Don’t stop talking! June 30th may come and go without action from the government. Continue to make your voice heard. Let people know the current struggles and let them know that there are legislative solutions on the table to fix them. The fight is not over. We will continue to advocate for our students and our programs until Universal Free Meals bNeecwomYoerska. reality in this country. Thank you for all you do and for your dedication to all children in the State of Enjoy your summer and keep talking!! Caitlin Lazarski, MS, RD, SNS NYSNA President Elect Cc ua ri trlei nn tLl ya zr aa irssiknig i hs et rh ef a mD iirl ey.cCt oari t loi nf Si sc ha oRoel gNi sut terriet ido Dn i feot ri t iNa ne wwbi ut hr gahMEansltaerrg’ se dD eCgi rt ye eSicnh Ho oulmDai ns t Nr i uc tt ,r itthi oe ndfirsot rmi c tt hwe hUenriev esrhsei t yg roefwD eulpa wa na rde .i s FreshBites 7 - Caitlin - 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.

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