Fresh Bites Summer Edition 2022

COMMITTEES Professional Development


• Encourage them to listen in on a SNA new member webinar. To find out when the next new member webinar wweilbl bineahr,evldisoitr share a recording of a previous new member •t oRtehceo gg rnoi zuep ni ne wa mf r ieemn dbleyr as nadt ai nl l cel vues ni vtes wa nady. i n t r o d u c e t h e m •e vPeani rt tuop wa el ol cnogm- tei mt heemmetmo bS eNrAwai nt hd aa nn sewwemr tehme bi re qr uaet set vi oe nr ys about membership. •A Hb oo ladr db ooar ri ednot raitei on nt act ai onnbeevaesr ys i tmi mp el enaeswt hl ee ai nd ce or smt iankge ooffffi icceer. meeting informally with the outgoing officer to learn the rboopa er ds at ongde tahs ek r qauneds tgi oo nt hs .r oYou ug hmaamy oa rl seof ogremt at hl et r ae innt ii nr eg . n e w Succession Planning Bsheolouwldisstraivgerafoprh:ic demonstrating the cycle your chapter

Hcoenrteinaureuma :few important reminders about the volunteer • The continuum is fluid. Members can back and forth apcrroof es ss s itohnea lcsocnhtei nduuul ems ,a nads dtehseiirre socwhna n pg ee.r s o n a l a n d •waTnthse. continuum is centered on what the member •acrMososstthiendciovnidtiunaulusmn.eed a guide or mentor to move • Members at all points should be valued and thanked. •t oMt he emnbeexr ts. cTahne rme oi vs en ao t rdi gi fhf et roernwt rr ao tnegs tfirmo me l i on ne .e p o i n t Small Tasks to Engage Members to Volunteer Ivt faosl pku osn. st Tse ihebri lsi ens, ge st stbayyrot au sir nkmti neergme stbtheeedrms umtpoe fmot rba kse uer sc co eonsns s, mwt hahel i l l , ep sal eitmtht ipntl oge them feel more ownership in SNA and giving you a chance to find out their level of commitment and desire to lead wm i e t mh b S e N r A s . : Below is a list of simple, small takes to engage • Be on an event planning committee for a specific event. • Receive raffle prizes from a local business and bring them to the event.

• Shadow a leader at a specific event, such as tt hh ee pi nedr isvoi nd uwa hl op lwa ni lnl i bn eg ct oh ne duupcct ionmg i tnhge t bo aukr i nogr workshop. • Send in a recipe to be included in the cookbook. •w Ui t ph dnaet we st hf er oFma cSeNb oAo, kl o pc aa lg pe aopne ras ,wt eheekcl yh abpatseirs, etc. •neUwpdcoatnetatchteincfhoarpmteartiwone.bsite with the board’s •t aSkeet sut pe pas StTo EwPaSr dcsh aa l hl eenagl tehei evre nl itf etsot yhleel.p p e o p l e •a nFdi nddi sac uS sNsA. Ywo eubci na na r efvoerne vh ee rl py oenvee rt yo olni set eena rt no CEUs! • Lead the magazine discussion one month Mentoring Your Members Hi na vpilna gc e awf iol lr mh eallpoyr oiunrf ol romc aal l cmh aepntteorr icnogn tsitnr uu oc tuusrl ye df uetvuerleo pa nl eda deenrssu troe ttahkaet ac ur rorl ee not nl et ah de ebr os adr do ni ’nt tgheet burnt out. As i mmp leen. Ht oerri en ga r es tsroumc teu irdee a cs atno—g eatnydo u sr hmo ue nl dt !o—r i nb ge structure in place: •r e gHu ol al rd baa s ins eswo tmh aetmnbeewr mo rei emnbt ae triso nc a no nf e eal welcomed and learn about the benefits of their mS NeAmmb eerms hbiepr. gEevt teinn g jtuosgte thhaevr i no gv e ra c ol of fnege - wt i mi t he nb ee wa gmr ee ma t baenr sd ae na sdy awn as yw et or i negn squur ee s yt ioounrs nceawn members feel they are a part of the association.

Volunteer Development Making the Volunteer “ASK” Just like asking someone to be a member, it is equally it ma l kp ot or ttahnetmt oafbi nodu tptohtee nb teina el lfei tasdoefrbs ewc oi tmh iinn tghae l oe ragdaenr iizna yt ioounr, sab telaect oae dmai nse sgao rcl oei aal etdi. oeHrnei arnenydaoruSe Nr ssAot , ma at een dta i spasssoktc oit ahmt ei oomnv :i tno g paa rmt iec mi p ba et er ti no •as hs Wsa or hec ieayntoi uoa rns kpai ens rgsa osl noe aaml deeeoxr ,np yee or tiueo ns ech eno guaalbdgoe us ttwa hyi tohpwoysboi etuicrvoems taiannt dge aprloefaedsesrioinnalSlNy.A has helped you grow personally and •ct hoSemt mamr tt i otot fhi fnabgvyet aoas bsk mii ng agg leli ren rdr, oi evl aei ds. Liueoar lostkat oso kuestn fagonargdae ct wht i evi tneh cmShNoa Avp it nbe ygr mbeecmombeersstaatendassloecaidaetirosn, laesadethrse.y could potentially •biAglwanadysssmaayltlh. ank you and recognize all contributions- The Volunteer Continuum Ai mgargei ante wt haayt tiot ti hs ian kc oanbtoi nu tu uvmo l utnhtaete rmdeemvbeel orps mc aenn tmi so vt oe across. Please see the graphic below:

Rn ae tmi oenma lb el er,v ello nmga- kt iemfeo r l egar ed ae tr sm ae tn t ot hr es al no dc a ml , esmt abt ee r sahni dp recruiters.


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FreshBites continue to help our members grow!





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