Fresh Bites Summer Edition 2022

Western Area


Western Area Feature


Ao fl lt hh ea itrs fwa me ri el i ems a. Sdteu adte hn ot smpea rbaydeeadc uh ps taunddednot wwni t thh tehsec hh oe lopl hl aasltl ewda yasb ot ou t s1h0o wm ionf uf ttehse ai rn do nt eh eonf tkhi ne dc hhi al dt .r eTnh er e pt ua rr na de de to class. TS ohmi s ey ekaird, ss t uwdoernet sbaans de btahlel i rc af apms , i l si eosmdei dwnoorted issuanp phoai nt st ., aS nt udd eo nt ht se rws eur seeedn cEoaus trearg ebda st ok eut ss eaas vt ahrei ebt ay soef omf attheer ii ra l hs at to. ag crac es ss,scohr ii czke stahnedi r bhuantns i seus ,cjhu satst oPeneapmse, jae lfleywb. e a n s , E a s t e r “TIa’ mg g .s“oWgel acda nt h’ t ewsat iut dt eonht os l edntjhoey ebdr etahkefma sstenl veexst ,”y er ea mr.” a r k e d

The Easter Bunny is certainly “hopping” this spring! The big fluffy hare made a special appearance at Wilson Elementary School (WES) Friday, April 8. Aa ts pt heec i as tl abrrt eoafk ftahseti ri nd tahye, aWb oi lus to n1 1c 0a f es tt eurdiean. Bt sr ei na dk uf al sgte dw ai ns sSeerrvveedr LbiysaWREySanC.afeteria Head Cook Patty Tagg and Food “wI th owha sa sgwr eoartkteod saetet hteh es ckhiodos l sfoo re2x0c i st eodm,”eryeemaar sr.k e d Ta g g , UwPi tKh as ynrdukpi na nd de rsgaaurst ea ng es at ul odnegn wt s i wt hejruei csee ravneddmFirlekntcohdtroi na skt. “DIolomviendicthSetesvyernu,pgoigngtlhinegF. rench toast,” said Kindergartener “CIrt o ws sa, sa kaimn da ez ri ng ga ,r” t eandedre. d“ I rLeyadl il ya loved the French toast.”

Awsalksoedon ianstothetheEasrtoeormB, untnhye ka ni dddjousmwp ei nr ge wa lilt hs me xi lcei tse, mweanv ti n. g “KIindheardgarstoenemruch fun,” said Liam HwuatscthheesoEnas. te“Mr Byunfanvyo.”rite part At rna dEi at isot ne ra Ht taht ePsacrha od oe l, , aw4r0a -pypeeadr up the celebration. According to UPK and k h i a n v d e er o g b a s r e te r n ved te m a a ch n e y rs c , rea t t h i e v y e he xact si t eodv etro t hb ee yaebal res .t oT hceoyn twi neur ee this tradition this year.







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