Fresh Bites Summer Edition 2022


Eastern Area



Eastern Area Feature

Eastern Area Feature


Another important factor that needs to be addressed before finalizing the monthly menus is to consider what days each school has off. To do this, each of the school calendars for the 15 OHM BOCES affiliate districts is reviewed and early releases, Superintendent Days and holidays are noted. TF ahremOtHo MS c Bh oOoClEpSr oFgoroadmS, ewr hv ii cc eh ft ee aa tmu r teaskae swpi dr ied ve a irni e tt yh eoi rf Nv ea ws t YTohri ks pS rt ao tger agmr o wa dnd sa nsde vme raadl eo pt hr eo rd ua cs tpse oc tnst ot os ct hh eo opl r loudnuccht i torna yos f. sa cnhdo cool omkei na lgs si nocml uedt ii mn ge rs euc ne ifva imn gi l, i da ri s it trei bmust ifnr go,ms t oa rni nugn, pprroe cpeasrsi ne dg ss tuapt pe .l yTchheas ien ,i taenmd ss ao rsepue sc ui aal l al yt tpe un rt icohna sneede dosu tt os i db ee po af itdh et ortei gmuilna gr and seasonality. Time Iwt hi se nv i tcarl e faot ri nag f ot ho ed ssecrhvoi coel pmr oegnruasm. tAol l oa lcsaot i oa nc c, o ud ni stt rf iobru tt ii mo ne, pa nr oadmu cptlieo na ma nodu ns et rovfi ctei ma ree. aBlel ceal eums ee no tf st oh fi ss, cmh oaonlymberaelasktfhaastt taankde louf npcrhe pmaer na ut i so nu tfi ol irz emae ca yl sc lai cnadl sc tayt leer i tno oorrddeerr ti no gb aa lnadn cdei stthr ei bl ue tvi eolns triema si no gn. Mt hoa nt dsat ay fsf aarree nuonr ambal el l yt oa ps irme ppal er re ma heenaud oof ffe rt ii nmge ,f owr ht hi l ee Fp rr iedpaayrse cdaany si npc rl ui odre. Omuot r eo f dreetsapi leecdt rf oe rc i pt he es sbteacf af uasne d s tsaefrf v ec ra sn, rt ha nrogui nggh ot huet tahmeowuenet ko fc apnrespt oa rpaet imo np ltoi myeee tbhuart ni so unte.e d e d fo r m e a l s Supply Chain Considerations Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other worldly events, db ei set nr i bmu ot iroen ai spspuaerse na tn. dS oo umt eo fr es tcoe cnkt oerx abma cpkl eosr doef r pe dr oidt eumc tss ht ahvaet hh au vme mb ue es ,n ob na cboanc, k opredpepr eirnocnl ui , d es ,l iccreeda mt ucrhkeeeys, e bc ruepask, fma satr giat er imn es ,, ct oh i pcso, nttoi nr ut iel l a fso, l al onwd i nc ge r et ahle. Snuubtsrti itti uo tni o rnesq auri ree mmeand tes f rf er oqmu e ntthl ye UC oS mD Am aunndi c at ht ieo nmwo ni tthh lsyt amf f e, andums ni neies dt r at ot i obne aanddj ups at er ed nat cs cios rvdi itna gl ltyo. provide updates on meal offerings. La ne adr nl ui nngc ha bmo ue nt utsh eh apsr ooc pe se sn eodf mc r ye a teiynegs t thoe aslcl h tohoel bp rl aena nk fi na sgt, ca onldl a bt hoer amt i oa nn ,y ai mn dp oerdt ai tni nt gf a ct ht oarts ht ha pa tp eanr se cboenhsi ni dde r tehde s us ccehn ae ss fsoulplopwlyincghasitna.te and federal guidelines, scheduling, time, and the

MU nyi vnear ms i tey. i sI ’ mL acuurrerne nBt luys hc oamnpdl eIt’ imn g amdyi eftoeot di c sienrtveircne raot t Ua ttiiocna oA ft tmh ye idni teet rent ischiinpt, eI rsnhsahdi op wa tmOyn pe ri de ac e- Hp et or rk itmo leera- rMnawd ihsaotna Bt yOpCi Ec aS l. ws eor rvki cdea. yTihs el i kr ee sapsoan Rs iebgi li isttieerseodf Dmi eyt ipt iraenc ewpot or kr iinngc li un dsec heonos lufroi on dg that each school meal meets the state and federal nutrition requirements, making necessary modifications for allergies amneda l s ps ee rc vi ai cl ed ii ent ss, c ph rooovl i dc ianf eg t enrui at rsi, t iaonnd eddeusciagtni oi nng, mt hoen imt oerni nu gs fBoOrCeEaSchFooof dthSeer1v5icceopmrpoogrnaemnt. districts that make up the OHM State and Federal Nutrition Guidelines Ti no tsht ae r tN, aatlilosncahl oSocl hmo oe al l Ls umn uc hs t Pf or ol l gorwa mt h ea ngdu i Nd ealtiinoensa li nSsct hi l ol eodl Bu nr edaekrf atshte PNr oagt iroanma.l TShc he soeo l t wL uon cphr oAg rcat mt hs awt ewr ea s e ss itganbel ids h ebdy President Harry Truman in 1946. One of the major focuses of these guidelines includes having five meal components as well as individualized meal patterns bg raas iends , mo ne agt roardae ml eevaet la. l tTehr ne a mt i veea, lmci ol km, apnodn ve engt se t ai nbcl el us d. See rf vr ui ni tg, sbiyz egsr, acdael olrei ve es l aanndd oct oh ne rs i ns tu torfi eKn- t5 tt hh r ge rs ahdoel d, s6 tahr -e8bt hr ogkreand ed oawn nd 9th-12th grade. Ta rhee avde ag rekt agbrleee snuvbeggreotua pb sl et, haartemd uo rs tobr ae nrgeep vr ee sgeent at ebdl ee, aa cl he gwu me eek, at hset ao rt hc he yr cvaetgeegtoarbyl. eAas nadn ea xvaemg eptl ae b, al ev et hg ae tt ai sb lceosncshi edde ur el ed ctooubl de bi ne MWoe nd dn ae ys d: ba yr o: chc uo lmi (md ua rs k (gl reegeunm) ,eTs )u, e sTdhauyr: scdaaryr :o t cs o(rrne d (/sot raar nc hg ye )) ,, annudtrFiernidtarye:qguriereemn beneatsnasr(eomtheetr.) - this would guarantee that all Scheduling Wc o hn es ind ec rree da tiinncgl ut dh ien gmcoonrtrhellya tmi negntuhse, pmr eavniyo uf as cmt oorns t nh se emd etnou bt oe ti fh ae nc ue rwr emn to mn t ohnbt he gs i snos tohna ta t Wh eerdeni es sndoa yr ,eipt ewt iot iuolnd. bF eo rneexcaems spa lrey, taos rt ae rvci ehwy awn hd agt rwe eans vs ee rgveet adbtlhe awt eMr oe nsde ar vy eadn odnTtuheastdMa yo nb de af oyr ae n. Idf Tv eugeestdaabyl,e t shuebng er owu pmseannud wo fof ue rl dd inf ef eerde nt ot ehnatvr ee et hc he oriec me sa. i n i n g 3




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