Fresh Bites Fall Edition 2022



Executive Director’s Message



I had the opportunity to chat with two amazing food service directors from Maine and Colorado. Two states that could not be farther apart but are both making significant impact on child nutrition. Alisa from Maine walked me through her Sea to School program and the impact that serving fresh foods has had on her school District. Amy from Colorado talked about her top ways of motivating her staff and marketing techniques that have helped win her community over. LISTEN HERE AROUND THE STATES Alisa Roman Lewiston Public Schools, Lewiston, ME Maine School Nutrition Association Past President A2 0l i1s a3 . R oAml i saan , hSaNs Sb he ea ns bi ne eCnhpi l adr tNouft rtiht ieo nM as ii nn ceeS 2c h0o1o2l aNnudt riist i ot hne Acsusrorcei na tt i oDni rSe icnt oc er oS cf hNouotl r iNt iuotnr i tai no dn Twroarnl sdp, oArltias tai own ofrokre dL efwo ri s tSoond ePxuob. l i cD uS cr ihnogo lhs e. rB e8f-oyreea rj otienni nugr et haet SPor odde ux oc t, isohne/ Sheerl vdi creo lMe sa na sa gae rU na ti t BMi nagnhaagme rt oant CUonlibvye rCs oi tlyl e igne Ni ne wW aYtoerrkv iSl ltea,t eM. E , aSnh de has an Associates and Bachelor’s degree from The Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park New York, is Certified as a level 4 in the School Nutrition Association, and is a certified School Nutrition Specialist. She is also a certified Serv-Safe Proctor and Teacher, mentor for t( hNeo rUt ShDe aAs pt )r, oagnr da ms e“rTveeasma su pt hfeo rc uS ur rcecne ts sP”,r eS se irdveens ta- Es lae cmt eamn db ePra os tf tPhree sNi da teino tn af ol rS Nt hAe MMeami nbee rSschhiopoCl oNmu mt r ii tt itoe ne Association. As tlai st ea ha na sd al ol oc av el . o Of anl lt thhei nngast iCohnial dl lNe vuet lr, i st ihoen p. aS rhtei cdi pe ma t eo dn si tnr at ht ees St chhi so lool vNe ubtyr ibt ieoi nn gAascstoi vc iea itni otnhse Fc uo tmu mr e uLnei at yd ea rt sa lcl ol envf eerl se n- -c ne aatsi own ea ll l, ai ns St ht aet eS cl he goiosll aNt ui vter iat icot inv iLt ei egsi srlealtai vt ee dAtcot iCohni lCdoNn fuetrrei tni coen iannWd aHsuhni ng ge trorne lDi e. Cf .e f fIonr tt sh. e Ls toactael loyf sMh ae i hn ae s, sphaer tciac ni pba et efdo ua ns da pC aorut ni cci ipl oa rt i on ng the Good Food Council of Lewiston and Auburn. Awloi sr ak ii ns ge xwc ii tt he dt ht eo Ms haai rnee hS ec rh looovl eNaunt dr i pt i aosns Ai osns of oc ri af toi oo dn aa nn dd tCohci lodn Nt i un turei tti oo nb ewai tsht raol nl wg ah do vaorceaitne t feorre Cs thei dl d. r eS nh ea ni sdeNx cui tt reidt i toon cwo on rt ikneur es in the State of Maine. Alisa lives in Winthrop Maine with her husband Matt and their two children Haley and Elizabeth. BY JULIA ALOTTA, MPA ADVOCACY COORDINATOR

Dear NYSNA Members, As you jump into the new school year that is filled with mtwh aoi nyr ket ihnuagnt opwfr eey ccoeaudn ae. nn dt e hd o pc hi na gl l et on gh ee sl p, ks nu op wp o rt th ya ot uwi en aa nr ye IconafmereSnOce EtaXkCiInTgEDplaacbeout our upcoming annual October 21-22 at Turning SCp taoonmndeme mi Rt tieecsemo raft yo! rh aTcvhre ea dan i tksi rn uyg op ut ae ndt oo autmrh cea oz ni2nf0eg2r e2envcCeeonsnt t . f he er epTnahcs eet cht hoa aus tpci l sre er oae fti emydea agari snf ,ai nbn gut atws tthhi cai st Wac ome nl acf oze imrne gen cgBeraoccuaknp ebovef e. vnot l uf onrt eyeor us Wdp iaset thhr si ac, vtaes n, sfdre oewmn i tsrhoe tsmi or ea mmn yae nsn tyt as fntf eocwhe ma Fnbogaoerdsk wSi nei gtr hvo ii nnc eno eDuwri r sce cac hrt eoo ero srl coming into this field it’s more important than ever for mta onedcmopmbeeeerrst ost out prh epe ao ccr oht noi sf ue utr ena nnd cdoeue btxhtt aei sbn lydyeaat hpr . ee rTgs hroeena ant leeistntwvNiot Yra kSt iiNon Ang

Thank You to Our President! National School Lunch Week Jcuosmt iangreump inder about National School Lunch Week October 11-15 – be sure to share pictures wa l li tshe eA tshhel ewi gohn tdoe rpfousl tp or onmooutri osnosc iaal ll amr eo du inadstoh ewset actaen. ATy eHnadAr Nl waKs et Yl yhO, aUI v wet oabnoet ue tnr o ptt rraeyksi eni dgae ntmot , o gDmeoet nnbnt aaac nRk di vt ogi ei vl wl eo h. aa theTuvhgei esr tmpheeer rsngoiennwg– “itnthowe r amvs iarsl to”u iatsil mgwoe iocnrogl nd tsoua mnb edi nc ogg m, e at etni. nd gTqhubi isat eci knf cr alt uondkeil nys iaDt ne dws padi steede itxchhaeat iucohsntai lnt l oeg n! t gh eiTss h aca srneskoa tcyei aod tui bo yfno trahnye do puiart ns ldemeamedmei crbsyehori spu. still steered this association flawlessly. Your passion kyoeputfoyrouyorubrosaerrdviecneg. aged and inspired and we thank Best wishes for a great school year.

NYSNA Annual Conference

membership benefit. Ttt hhhar rot ouurggehhl a tat hi oecnopsmah nippduset me ar i rces wc rneeoel et na, rb nau eni lddt tcwha eene k aebmne do ucg ona uti nl deo dhf e lkfprn oao mwn el ewtdhdgi eisr e tcoht noa ert tTa hwhr eaorruedgsha ora uev ta ipt l hal eebnl eet yn –t i or efe s srp ecehgc ioi saot l rl l yayt ei f oao nrr. first timers. I am encouraging each obwfri iytnhoguy oat wa k ef rtihe antdc ot on nceocnt fi oe rneannc de

- Jennifer -

Amy Faricy Douglas County School District, Castle Rock, CO Colorado School Nutrition Association Past President


AB amcyh Fe laorri cs yo, Rf SDc, iSeNn Sc ei si tnh Fe oMo adnSaygsetre omf sMMe na un aSgeer mv i ec enst ffor ro mD oOu rgel agso Cn oSut na tt ey SUcnhi ov oe rl sDi it syt rainc dt . lAa mt e yr ec aormn pe dl e ht eedr ai n Dc liuedt eetsi cfso opdr osgerravmi c et hmr oaungahg eUmNeCn Gt raenedl e yp. r oHdeurc tei ox pn e irni e bn oc et hi nr efsotoadu rsaenrtv iacne ds phaenasl t ho cvaerre3s0e tytei na gr ss . a nI nd hmeornci ut orrrienngt mr oel ae l, Ap amt yt e ar nn sd ahnedr nt euatmr i t ai or ne arl eas np ao lnyssiibs ,l es tfuo dr et nh te tda isstter itcets’ st sm, He nAuC CaPn, ds pr ee cc ii ap le ddi ee tvaerl yo pnme ee dn st ,, gS rc ahno tosl, Np ruot frei tsisoi on nAasl sdoecvi ea lt oi opnmwe nh te ar en ds ht rea hi naisn sg e, ar vnedds pa se cI inadl ue vs ternyt sC. hAa mi r, yVi isc ae l sPor ei ns vi doel vnet d, Pi nr etshi de eCnotl oErl ae dc to, President and currently as the past President.

2022 SNA ANC New York Delegation

FALL 2022 JENNIFER MARTIN, MBA, CAE Jga etonvbneo irtf nhe art nhh ceaess, t baa det eemnai nni ndi s atnrsaast toi i ooc ninaa, t l ii col eenvdemcl soa anf f nae dge e, hmaansedns eHt esani rnrccyoe nP2so0i td1t ee1rr . aaUbn nl ded gtehrr oe hwEe txrhe l . ceJ uae tdni ven eri fs eDhrii rpheatc sht oea rl Ns ooYf SbNNe YeASn Nhr aAe sc sobi gne nce ienz e2r de0 c1bo4yg. vnSai hzr eei odi us f soa irnn vde axurpsi toerrui tes si anf cothrhi eeh veaerr mewaeosnr otksf, including being a recipient of the national 40 Under 40 through Association Forum. FreshBites 10

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