Fresh Bites Fall Edition 2021

President’s Message


With the start of the 2021-22 school year comes many emotions. After all of the changes over the last year and a half I am hoping to be able to settle in to somewhat of a routine for this school year. I know for myself that would be with the students back in the district, attending school regularly. At the same time, I am glad to now have some new tools to work with. The pandemic brought about many unwanted events but at the same time was a catalyst for positive change as well. We now have online options for events. People are more aware of hygiene, as a sanitation instructor that was a big one for me and most of all we have learned to be grateful for and not take for granted things that in the past may have seemed mundane and unimportant.


SUSAN BELL President

We had a great summer at NYSNA!! The Strategic Planning Committee convened at the Headquarters office to work on the upcoming plan. The event was, once again facilitated by Tom Coté. Tom does a fantastic job of guiding us through the process, as well as keeping us on track. The members

...we have learned to be grateful for and not take for granted things that in the past may have seemed mundane and unimportant

SUSAN BELL NYSNA President Susan Bell is the Food Service Director for Wilson Central School District, located in Wilson, NY! She has been in Child Nutrition for 23 years and loves school meals. Sue’s goal is to make the Association inclusive to everyone! NY is full of amazing Child Nutrition personnel and they can always turn to NYSNA for all of their School Nutrition needs. that were present and did an incredible job were Joe Kilmer, Craig Orvis, Artie Frego, Diana McCarthy, Tracie Middleton, Donna Riviello, Caitlin Lazarski, Brian Mccoy, Debra Donleavy, Naim Walcott, Patrick Walsh, Katy Headwell, Deb Mackey, Jeffrey Bradt, Megan Bates and the headquarters staff. Thank you to each of them for committing to do this. I feel we were able to put together a strategic plan that we can be proud of and that will move us into the coming years as a stronger and even better association. I was so excited to be able to have this meeting at the headquarters office. In doing so we were able to save a lot of money on everything from venue costs and meal costs, to hotel costs. This also gave us a chance to show the attending members where Jennifer, Ashleigh, Alyssa and Julia do all of that amazing work. Speaking of Julia, she is doing an incredible job as an intern at the NYSNA headquarters. It has been such a pleasure to get to know her. I am hopeful that she will want to continue with NYSNA after her internship is done. It is a bittersweet time for me. I love change, yet at the same time I will miss everything that being on the Executive Board at NYSNA brought with it. I am very confident in the fact that I will be leaving you in the extremely competent hands of your new President, Donna Riviello and her executive team of Caitlin Lazarski, Naim Walcott and Joe Kilmer. During my time as President, we were able to accomplish many things even though we were in the midst of a pandemic. NYSNA continued to grow and is being closely watched by other states as well as national groups as a strong leader in child nutrition and as an outstanding association. I strongly encourage each of you to get involved at whatever level you are comfortable with. I can assure you that you will not be sorry. I have met the most interesting, wonderful people. I have been involved in decision making and work groups that I would not have ever thought I would have been a part of. I stepped outside of what I thought was my comfort zone only to find out I really enjoyed other areas of the job. NYSNA has opened a world of possibilities for me that I would not have ventured into on my own. NYSNA gives school nutrition a much needed voice. I don’t know where our districts would be without it. Thank you so much for putting your faith in me and allowing me to be your voice. I am so excited to see what our future leaders bring to NYSNA and school nutrition. - Susan -

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FALL 2021


FALL 2021

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