Fresh Bites Winter 2021 Edition


We realize that your emails are being cluttered and your days filled with meetings. So, here at NYSNA we wanted to find a new way to communicate with the members, without relying on too much email. Rather than sending the standard monthly e-newsletter via email we created something BETTER! INTRODUCING NYSNA NEWS JoinAshleighandAlyssaas theybringyouinformation and updates through the power of video! Each week they will film brief news segments and then those videos will be posted to our social media platforms, Facebook and Instagram, as well as on our website – and you guessed it, they air on TUESDAYS! We have

Predict the unpredictable

found this is a fun and more entertaining way to get information out….and this allows us to be more creative and engage more with the membership. NYSNA News segments in October all featured the From the Show Floor event, and in November/ December we had a variety of topics. We have also used videos to do our 2020-21 Board of Directors Installation, Interview past president Mark Bordeau, meet our Keynote Speakers, and much more! Be sure to stay updated with all things NYSNA and be entertained by our amazing team at headquarters all at the same time!


November 13th was World Kindness Day and in honor of that day NYSNA held its first annual food drive to benefit Karyl’s Kupboard, which feeds any resident of Saratoga County. Here are two videos from NYSNA News that highlight this fantastic event and we look forward to hosting this again next year on November 13th. First Annual Food Drive

Introducing Heartland Meal Orders Planning your production counts may be tricky. But with our new Meal Orders solution, students, parents, and teachers can order their meals in advance so you can plan with confidence.

Karyl’s Kupboard Video

News with Andy Gilpin

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